Have you heard such “advice” before? Every single Chud would tell you this - just learn to code and do web3shit, it is the future.

Well, I have something to say too.

The amount of learning one has to have in order to write a simple “smart-contract” is insane.

First of all, both Ethereum and Solidity is an utter crap “designed” by incompetent, unqualified, narcissistic amateurs, some barely out of a high school.

No one of these “architects” and “designers” had a necessary education, even the basic one. Fucking vitaliks never studied CS, leave alone virtual machine’s design (otherwise he would build upon the G-Machine of Haskell, like any educated person would do).

Solidity makes PHP blush, and, again, the “designers” are mere attention seeking Chuds, without any PL background or even familiarity with the literature.

I could write volumes about how actually beautiful classic languages (Standard ML, Miranda, Haskell) has been crafted and why they are the way they are, but this tiny artcicle is not the right place.

Anyway, to write a bunch of “smart contract” which won’t lose money, won’t be hacked by some bored 16 yo guys (because Ethereum has been designed by an unqualified narcissist it has all the textbook security problems of a crappy amateurish VM running a crappy imperative bytecode) requires years of studying all the idiotic details of the “ecosystem”.

One cannot trust what has been written on the web and has to double-check everything, and for that, one basically have to bootstrap oneself to be an expert in huge piles of lowest quality imperative crap.

But but but, other people have done it! Yes, and I can tell you how.

I’m Jack’s boiling envy, when I see things like Uniswap. The LOCs per dollar ratio are simply unbelievable. Each line of code returned a hundred of dollars, I guess.

Now lets see what it takes to come up with something like this. Apart from the basic coding skills one has to understand basic non-bullshit microeconomics, which tells you that the only better thing than rent-seeking is fee-seeking and automation, because it reduces one’s own involvement and costs (being a landlord is timeconsuming and costly).

Then one has to have at least some background in actual Wall Street fintech in order not to reinvent the very complex and full of subtleties wheel. The amount of details hidden within the basic “swap app” is staggering. Keep in mind, that there is no usual way of trial-and-error or throw-everything-and-see-what-sticks - your will lose your own money (just as learning to trade with your own savings is not so good idea. I did it).

So how they did it? Well, they happen to have the right background in finance and fintech and just adapted the know-how to the emerging “market” of shitcoins. This, by the way, is how it works in general - one has to develop an expertise (unlike fucking vitaliks) first, and then, theure is a chance to be in the right place at the right time, awash in some VC money.

There is a lot more, of course. I just gaped like an idiot when I realized how some of the smartest people on Earth made a Tor equivalent to pass shittokens through, keeping some 10% or something. This is absolutely amazing. It is just a “pure function” - it takes the tokens and a fresh new address and sends to that address from a bunch of freshly created addresses instead of well-known “exit nodes”. Keepking the fee.

I would even publish my code, so one could audit it, exactly like the Tor project does. Could you come up with this idea? Absolutely! Do you have any required background and expertise in designing a surveliance-resistant decentralized networks, so that you wont get fucked? I am not. The ones who did it has the background.

And now these wonderful RPG-themed professionally gamefyed “sites” where retards gamble with their money not even realizing how much they are losing. Basically, you have to build a full-fledged browser RPG game, with non-shitty design, response times and in such a way that no “cool hackers” using primitive ready-made exploits would steal all your shitcoins.

All I am trying to say there is that a professional team, similar to that one of the Id Software is required to produce anything like that. It is just beyond the capacity of an ordinary person, even the amout of detail required to be understood.

Yes, if you are really smart, you would try to minimize the amount of core required and would come up with just a few “pure functions” (in a crappy imperative language) which other people would use for a fee of a percentage point. This is, basically, what all the banks and payment processors do.

And yes, in theory, the Ethereum platform was the place where one could have one’s own “payment processor” without any regulations, supervision, taxes whatsoever. Why I haven’t done it? I had no idea this was even possible. I spent years of reading crap to get some basic understanding of what it takes to do some web3shit.