All you need is…

There are a few ancient sayings about going around the world, looking for the Truth (which us Out There, you know) and then returning back home only to find It right there. Other ancient thinkers have suggested to look no further than onto your own self (to find all the answers). And, of course, the ultimate resit is I Am That from the Upanishads. There are some manifestations Truths I found going around the world....

October 29, 2023 · <>

No, it doesn't.

There is a typical quote from some random Chud on the internet: The location within the [high-dimensional hyper-] space represents the semantic meaning of the content, according to the embedding model’s weird, mostly incomprehensible understanding of the world. This is bullshit at so many levels, and in a such “lecturing” tone. First of all, there is no “understanding” whatsoever and it is not “of the world”. “The world” is at a fundamentally different level of abstraction from what has been used as “inputs” to a language model....

October 24, 2023 · <>

A small step towards GAI

DESCRIPTION: There is no “I” in your AI. Lets put all the memes and bullshit aside, for a moment and talk serously about GAI (hello, mr. Carmack, sir). There is what every “AI researcher” should know about Knowledge and Intelligence (yes, both capitalized). There is so-called “reality” prior to any knowledge or intelligence. Any reasonable thinker has been arrived at the ultimate reality. “I am That” (“That Thou Art”) of Chandogya Upanishad is the “end of knowledge” and the “arrival” to the ultimate “truth”, with implies existence of “That” and one being just a sub-process (a wave) in It....

October 21, 2023 · <>

Why not OOP

Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing. Rob Pike Joe Armstrong said in his thesis that Java is not even suitable for programming. It is good idea to try to realize why. The fundamental flaw, which cannot be eliminated, comes from the fact that the “designers” of Java lacked a required mathematical background. The idea of mimicking the “real world” in which “objects having its internal state” is exactly what is wrong....

October 21, 2023 · <>

Just learn to code and do web3shit lmao

Have you heard such “advice” before? Every single Chud would tell you this - just learn to code and do web3shit, it is the future. Well, I have something to say too. The amount of learning one has to have in order to write a simple “smart-contract” is insane. First of all, both Ethereum and Solidity is an utter crap “designed” by incompetent, unqualified, narcissistic amateurs, some barely out of a high school....

October 19, 2023 · <>

Never leave Emacs

It takes time to get more-or-less familiar with the major branches of human knowledge, which is traditionally called a classic education. This gives one, among other things, the ability to see what other people call “connections” between seemingly unrelated “things”. This ability, in turn, helps to see things as they really are, which is the most important part of life, and goes back to the Upanishads and the Buddha. The most difficult and subtle “thing” to see (as it really is), is, of course, your own self, and the habit of doing so, which is called introspection, which ultimately leads to self-knowledge and self-control, is the most sought after ability since beginning of time (at least in the Orient)....

October 17, 2023 · <>

Productivity Porn

The true, actual, measurable productivity comes not from utilizing some advanced tools, but, like everything else in life, from seeing things as they really are and therefore doing the right thing at each level (of abstraction). Tools give some additional 20%, perhaps, but the main productivity gains are from not wasting time and efforts and just doing the right thing (which is what distinguishes experts and masters). For CS it means understanding all the deep, underlying principles behind the concepts and abstractions....

October 17, 2023 · <>

The right way

There is only one true way (the proper way) to program. Just as there is only one “reality”, one “truth” (which correctly describes What Is) and The Right Way (of the Buddha, which means being firmly grounded in What Is). Imagine, if you will, that you are writing a program for yourself which will trade your own life savings on some “exchange”. Not for other people, not other people’s money. You for yourself....

October 15, 2023 · <>

Neurons "reuse"

There is an inportant subtlety when on is trying to interpret what a Neural Network actually does – each neuron, it seems, gets activated on a different set of inputs which corresponds to very different set of features. It is most prominent in a computer vision settings, when a selected neuron reacts on completely unrelated parts of inputs, say of cats and of cars. Let’s see what is going on out there....

October 8, 2023 · <>

Solving async-await for Rust

So, you want to add these async/~await/ keywords? First of all, it has already been seriously researched by the C#/F# .NET guys. Just learn what they have come up with. One’s own principle-guided reasoning could proceed like this: The fundamental difference between ordinary procedures and async procedures is the whole protocol for calling and returning of values, and dealing with actual implementation of the corresponding mechanisms (abstract at this point, but has to reuse what is already out there)....

October 6, 2023 · <>