Attention Is All bullshit.

Once again I tried to through This meme video. Once again with the same results. I have seen these social patterns many times before – when people begin to use ill-defined, anthropomorphic and purely abstract concepts to construct familiar analogies and to invoke intuitions, so everything seems “right” and “logical”. Abidharma uses abstract terminology to produce a seemingly coherent system. It started from very reasonable abstractions of The Buddha, which illustrated his ideas with abstract notions like pealing off layers of an onion (to find literally nothing in the center) or a mixture of spices using for cooking, but very quickly went all to pure abstract bullshit....

June 4, 2024 · <>

LLM Philosophy 101

The LLM mania is still going on, with no sign of bursting of the bubble. This will be (already is) way larger than even the DotCom bubble. Grab your popcorn. I already wrote this on the old site, and, of course, because I haven’t followed the rules I got “canceled” as they do nowadays with anyone who disagree with their current set of beliefs. Lets talk it again, even with millions of views behind each Karpathy or Friendman videos....

May 21, 2024 · <>

LLM predictions

Social media make us stupid. To be precise - they encourage production and emission of a useless verbiage as a from of virtue signaling. The cultural change is that being “wrong” is ok for some talking heads, and nowadays it is even possible to argue that “there is no wrong”, just an “imperfect information”, you know. The older cultures were better. They had a common sense notion of “you have no idea what you are talking about”....

November 8, 2023 · <>

Transformers bullshit everywhere

There is another meme “scientific” paper (well, it is a “research paper”, which does not have be correct lmao) about trying to interpret of what transformers actually do. When the hype was at its peak, I wrote an article about “handwaving with too abstract math” or “sweeping the meaning under the rug”. I had very strong intuition that I have seen this before, and now I will show it. Where all have seen this kind of sophisticated bullshitting with abstract entities taken out of context (from another, highly remote and ephemeral levels of abstraction) bing used to explain a natural phenomena?...

October 6, 2023 · <>

LLMS For Coding

Today is glowing bright with AI memes and buzzwords like a Christmas tree. Everyone is there, including billion dollar corporations announcing a “CodeLama-34b” which is “designed for general code synthesis and understanding.” First of all, I personaly do not want to rely in any part of my life on any “synthesized” (and “understood” software, and demand an explicit opt-out. Yes, yes, I know. If I have any understanding of these subjects at all, this is a bubble and irrational exuberance....

August 26, 2023 · <>