On burnout

What people call a burnout is a result of what we call psychological stress or a burden out of constant frustration about the particulars of the task at hand. We have never been evolved to live immersed in a constantly changing environment, where almost nothing that worked well yesterday will work day after tomorrow. The environment we have evolved in is stable, even in the social aspects (of traditionalist societies)....

August 18, 2023 · <lngnmn2@yahoo.com>

Writing a semi-automated trading system

AUTHOR: <lngnmn2@yahoo.com> Writing a semi-automated trading system is easy - just ask John Carmack to write it down for you. Before that Eric Evans has to extract the domain knowledge using his DDD approach, and then some top mathematician, or maybe Bartosz Milewski, would build a consistent model from it. Maybe it is even better to rather ask Simon Peyton Jones to write a matching engine, so you will have it pure-functional, with the most important parts formally proven in Coq (and then translated into Haskell code)....

July 28, 2023 · Ln Gnmn