How to program II

Once one has been exposed to a wrong concepts or just bullshit it is very difficult to unlearn what is “already known” and to see things as they really are. Especially when a necessary abstraction barrier is neglected or not even well-understood and some implementation aspects are mixed arbitrary with definitions of an abstraction itself, and with parts of a supposedly abstract interface, which has to form (establish) the abstraction barrier....

May 3, 2024 · <>

How to program

The great programmers of the past, who wrote the fortran numeric libraries, lets say, drew flow-charts for every procedure they are about to write. This gave them the right intuitions and the right feeling about what they do. At the level of expressions you have just (only) recuring 3 patterns - it will be either a sequence, a conditional (branching) or a loop (recursion), so when they begin to write the code, they were never confused – it has to be one of these....

April 28, 2024 · <>