L. Tao on LLMs

I am being systematically cancelled on HN (as if I am a fucking russian – I am NOT – or something), but sometimes it feels ridiculous. LLM don’t “do maths” by definition (which in this context is the code). LLM “predict” the next symbol after “2+2=” and separately and independently (in principle) predict token-by-token of why that is true. There is absolutely no “reasoning” or “understanding” of any kind whatsoever, just as a parrot would do....

June 13, 2024 · <lngnmn2@yahoo.com>

LLM Philosophy 101

The LLM mania is still going on, with no sign of bursting of the bubble. This will be (already is) way larger than even the DotCom bubble. Grab your popcorn. I already wrote this on the old site, and, of course, because I haven’t followed the rules I got “canceled” as they do nowadays with anyone who disagree with their current set of beliefs. Lets talk it again, even with millions of views behind each Karpathy or Friendman videos....

May 21, 2024 · <lngnmn2@yahoo.com>