Solving async-await for Rust

So, you want to add these ~async~/~await/ keywords? First of all, it has already been seriously researched by the C#/F# .NET guys. Just learn what they have come up with. One’s own principle-guided reasoning could proceed like this: The fundamental difference between ordinary procedures and async procedures is the whole protocol for calling and returning of values, and dealing with actual implementation of the corresponding mechanisms (abstract at this point, but has to reuse what is already out there)....

October 6, 2023 · <>

Understanding Rust

The Rust programming language has been hyped as a system programming language, which implies that it has to have an explicit “access” to the hardware-level abstractions, such as the Stack, the Heap and the Procedures, together with the operating system-level abstractions, such as following the particular calling conventions (a set of standardized interfaces) for an “arch and OS /duo”, and to be “aware of” the ABIs in general. Overview Rust is, in principle, an imperative language....

July 15, 2023 · <>